We are so excited to honor and celebrate 10 years of Cantor Stephanie Weishaar serving as the spiritual advisor for Kol Nefesh! Cantor Stephanie has made a lasting impression on so many people who have crossed her path over the years and we are planning a delightful celebration to honor her. Please join us for live music, desserts, and drinks!
If you are unable to attend in person, we encourage you to consider exploring sponsorship opportunities and/or contributing to the tribute book.
Individual $54
Couple/family (2 adults plus children) $90
Nefesh Level $1000
Eight individual tickets with reserved seating, opportunity to dedicate a high holidays prayer book, plus special recognition in the tribute book and at the event
L’Chaim Level $560
Six individual tickets with reserved seating, opportunity to dedicate a high holidays prayer book, plus special recognition in the tribute book and at the event
Chaverim Level $360
Four individual tickets or two family tickets, plus recognition in tribute book, opportunity to dedicate a high holidays prayer book
Simcha Level $180
Two individual tickets or one family ticket, plus recognition in tribute book, opportunity to dedicate a high holidays prayer book
Tribute Book
Full page $72
Greeting with photo $36
Greeting $18
Please fill in this form to select your ticket level, sponsorship opportunities, and tribute book option. Payments may be made by credit card or check. If you are mailing a check, please send it to:
Kol Nefesh
5885 Robert Oliver Place
Columbia MD 21045
If you are not able to join us in person, you may wish to follow along with the livestream here!